If you want a toddler to remember a certain new word, you have to apply that particular word in your sentences on a regular basis. When I say regular basis, I mean your every other sentence should have the new word in it. Last week, the new word in the Zombiedaddy household was ‘cornflakes’.
C is for Cornflakes. Abah is eating cornflakes. Mama is eating cornflakes. Kakak is eating cornflakes. Raina and Raisa are eating cornflakes. Cornflakes are crunchy. Cornflakes are delicious when taken with milk and honey. Everybody say corn.. flakes.. good girls.
Back from work the other day, we noticed that Raisa was eating cornflakes from her favourite pink bowl. We wanted to see if she remembers the word cornflakes, so Supermama asked her what she was eating.
Supermama : Sedapnya.. Raisa makan apa tu?
Raisa : Kriuk Kriuk!
Supermama : What? Raisa makan cornflakes kan?
Raisa : Yes!
Supermama : Raisa makan apa tu?
Raisa : Kriuk Kriuk!
Apparently we had missed something. If you really want a toddler to remember a certain new word, you’d better make sure that everybody else in the house use the exact same word. That includes The Bibik!
We definitely have a new word in the house. But it’s not cornflakes. It’s ‘kriuk kriuk’. And I have to admit that ‘kriuk kriuk’ is a lot more fun to say than the old plain cornflakes.